
Just got the memo from my fav’ travel owl ???? (no hard feeling, the pigeon ???? enjoys a well deserved meditative retreat): YOU joined the brand NEW 2-week email series to cultivate cosiness & creativity as an Introvert. ???? ???? ????

Thanks for joining us & now, let’s celebrate you!

Guess what’s coming in your inbox?

You’ll receive ONE email per day with curated tips and inspirations to jumpstart your journey to do no harm but take no sh!t → without setting goals ????, meditating ????, or doing power kung-fu ballet ????

Keep an eye on your inbox: I’ll pop in it every week day at 9 pm ⏰ (living in Switzerland may have triggered the Station Master in me…)


  • if you’re a GMAIL user, drag & drop my emails into your priority inbox
  • if you’re using any other inbox system, please add me to your whitelist
About Me

About Me

Purdey Penrose

AKA “The Thought Provoking Tattooed Scholar” is a writer, podcaster, course creator & founder of Comfort Zone Rocks, an online community for Introverts to tame never ending “good life” To Dos, cultivate cosy lifestyle & turn it into unwavering trust in your intuition.

Penrose, in between Gen X & early Millennial from France, launched Comfort Zone Rocks in 2022 to help Introverts (re) discover the emotional, physical, spiritual benefits of embracing a cosy slow way of living- all while breaking free from the “name & shame” regularly associated with introversion. The mission of the community is to own the concept of Comfort Zone with a new perspective: by turning it into an endless source of success, victory, and confidence to dare.